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"Today, the reason we haven't found our grail, the key to who we are as women, is because we look for it in worlds of false power, the very worlds that took it away from us in the first place. Neither men nor work can restore our lost sceptre. Nothing in this world can take us home. Only the radar in our hearts can do that, and when it does, ... 'We will light up like lamps, and the world will never be the same again."

- Marianne Williamson

A Woman's Retreat

Workshop  |  A Woman's Retreat

The time has come for all women to wake up to the depth and power of being a woman today. We are at an evolutionary edge in society where the integration of mature feminine qualities is absolutely essential. Not only for the relationship between women and men, but for the values of our culture on which we base the future of humanity.


Facing our light and our darkness we need to find the courage to heal the deep and often ancient wounds that so many women are carrying today. Only through deep healing of this century old rejection of the feminine can we actually experience a connection to our voice and our true power. This means that we need to take ownership of all sides of womanhood, our capacity for love and light, and face what the forces that are hidden in the darkness and unconscious.


This is an invitation to face the challenges that we have as mothers; daughters, sisters, wives and lovers so that we can be free to honour, love and enjoy our lives. This journey into the joy of true womanhood is a journey out of frozenness, numbness and self rejection to learn to love and respect our bodies and our hearts as powerful source of wisdom.


It is time for us to evolve and heal – to use all of the resilience and compassion we have to become torchbearers of the true meaning of the feminine. Time to embody our feminine essence; our sensitivity, our creativity, our ability for deep knowing beyond the existing values of society. Time to own our capacities and creativity and take steps into healing ourselves, each other and the planet earth.


This retreat will be serious and playful, experiential and transformative. We will work with respect and loving acceptance of what is and learn to connect with what is missing. We will experience the power of our embodied wisdom and celebrate the incredible gifts of being a woman today.

A Woman's Worth

Workshop  |  A Woman’s Worth

In this group we will explore female issues, that are almost every women’s themes today.  As many women have been rejecting their bodies so strongly, we are going to work with the body, and see what is in the way of love and acceptance. There are so many ideas what it means to be a woman, and these ideas are strangling us, and keep us from discovering our true nature. To be in a feminine body is a great gift! It is full of life, sensuousness, intuitiveness, softness and strength. How can we learn to accept and appreciate it, not by becoming like man, but by discovering the precious gift that is bestowed upon us.


We will look at beliefs of unworthiness, co-dependency and all kind of identities, that keep hindering us of living the female potential.


We will face issues around competition, jealousy, and envy, that hinder us to respect each other and look at our way of being focused at men only, and seeing ourselves through their eyes, and thus give our power away, and allow endless abuse.


We will also have to deal with our shadow - side, the kali aspect of the feminine, that is live giving but also life destroying and thus negative. Through awareness and courage, we might be able to face and penetrate these unconscious aspects of ourselves and the collective as well.


Through safe inquiries, an atmosphere of trust and honesty is created, that might enable us to look and to feel what actually is underneath all these issues and explore and discover what is our true feminine essence.


We will do some body-oriented structures, meditations and inquiries that help us to open and expand into our multifaceted female colors and dimensions.

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